Joint Injection
Relieve Your Pain with Joint Injections
A joint injection is given to a patient ailing from pain or inflammation in the ankles, knees, wrist, elbow, or shoulders. This is a minimally invasive procedure in which the injection is administered directly in the joints. Joint injection medication comprises anti-inflammatory corticosteroids like dexamethasone, triamcinolone, and methylprednisolone. These steroids retard the aggregation of cells that cause the pain. Patients suffering from degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis fall under the ambit of this therapy. The pain relief after this procedure can last from days to months.
Procedural Overview
First, the spot where the injection will be administered is disinfected and cleaned. Second, the Dunes Pain physician will give a local anesthetic drug, like bupivacaine or lidocaine, in the affected joint. Third, once the anesthetic effect takes place, the steroid is injected in the inflamed/aching joint with the help of a needle. When it comes to shoulders or hips, this procedure is done with the help of X-Ray based fluoroscopy. The joint injection procedure does not consume much time and patients can go back to their homes right after the completion of the procedure.
After Care
Generally, after the joint injection is administered, patients feel an immediate relief in pain intensity. Initially, this can be attributed to the anesthetic effect and the pain might come back after anesthetic effects subside. After this stage, the steroids’ effect comes into action, and the pain will continue to subside in the coming days. The Dunes Pain physician will provide patients with after-care instructions clarifying all their doubts. Instructions can consist of prohibiting patients from severe physical exertion, avoiding bathing in a tub, and even restricting consumption of over-the-counter pain medicines.
This procedure has minimal side-effects, however, if patients still experience allergic reactions, infections, fever, or swelling, they should contact Dunes Pain Specialists immediately.